Sniff Us Out In Skerries

You can contact Goodness Gracious Grooming a in a number of different ways - you choose the method that best suits you!

We are located at

Shenick Veterinary Clinic

Skerries Point shopping centre, Skerries, County Dublin.

Why not drop in to discuss your dog grooming requirements, book an appointment or simply to introduce us to your four legged friend. We would be delighted to meet you and to answer any questions you might have about getting your dog groomed.

If you can't come in to see us, you can:

Call us on 083 166 6959

If you're on your phone now, just tap the number! If we don't answer, please leave a message and we'll get back to you. We're probably doing what we do best - Dog Grooming.

Send an email to

We'll be happy to answer your questions and will endeavor to reply as soon as we can.

Complete Our Enquiry Form

On submission this form is send straight to us and we'll call or mail you back as soon as we can.
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